Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thanksgiving in July?

I've done it again. It's a pattern I'm not proud of, but seem doomed to repeat. I keep breaking the cardinal rule of blogging: erratic and unpredictable writing. Sorry I keep leaving you all high and dry for week-long stretches at a time. The only real excuse I have is that I've got a lot of obligations fighting for my time an attention. I think of you all often, I really do. I just have trouble making this the priority that it should be.

So, we catch up, again.

We're still trying to sell our house, and it consumes me more than it probably should. I have a few more posts to share with you about some of our projects, so be looking for that.  I also have some really fun non-house related projects that I've been working on in my spare time, and I can't wait to share them with you. I'm hoping to post at least one later this week (so ya know, like, next month in JessieTime).

I'm still training for my 5k, even though the 5k date keeps getting pushed back due to life's interferences. I was very impressed with myself the last time I ran. Don't laugh, but I ran for twelve minutes straight, without stopping to walk. I know, you can probably do that right now without any issue, but for an avid non-runner like myself that was like a marathon. I think my feet fell off when I got home, but I can't confirm that because I blacked out (just kidding Ma. I didn't black out, but I couldn't feel my feet for about an hour).

In all of my impatience and grumbling about things beyond my control, it's probably a good thing that this month's resolution is here. I've been so caught up in my own world, wishing and longing for things that I don't have and things I can't control, I haven't been as cognizant of all of my blessings. In all honesty, I've been so consumed that I didn't even realize what this month's resolution was until today.

It's so easy to take things for granted; even the most important things. For the rest of July, I'm going to work to find three blessings each day, and I invite you to do the same. It will be pretty easy at first, starting with the most obvious and basic, but I think by the end of the month, this is going to truly become a challenge. My hope is that by opening my eyes to the blessings (even the small ones) every day holds, I will become a little more grateful and content, and a lot less anxious.

These are the blessings I'm focusing on today:
1. Air-conditioning. It's pretty nasty out there today, and I'm really lucky that I not only have a home to live in, but a functioning air-conditioner to make it comfortable.
2. The ability to work part-time. Today is one of my days at home, and it's been great. From "coffee time!" with O, to late morning grocery store trips (when you don't have to fight with anyone over the last un-shriveled pepper), this extra time at home has been a blessing. Every day is an adventure. Within the first three hours of my day, my house was a train station, a doctor's office and a restaurant.
3. The community I live in. I know, I've spent a lot of time focusing on getting out of this town, but it's not because of the town. I love this community, and I will be really sad when the day comes to leave. It's a nice small town that still offers lots of big-city luxuries, and it's really invested in it's own growth and success.

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