Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sharing the love, 12/31/2012

Well, I’ve missed several days of these.  Shoot.  Who the heck is in charge here?!  I am… and I’ve been too busy enjoying my family, wearing my fat pants, and watching tv to write.  Bad excuses, yes.  Good thing we’re getting ready to start a new year, so I can nip this laziness in the ass before it gets too serious.

I would be terribly remiss, though, if I didn’t include a good friend of mine today.  I really hope I’ve told her in person how special she is to me, but you can never be too sure.  This is a woman who is a newer friend of mine but has made her way into my life in a BIG way.  She’s been my co-worker for the last two and a half years, but she’s become so much more than that to me.

Q, you are absolutely one of the most genuine people I know.  To know you is to love you, and that’s the truth… it’s impossible to just be your acquaintance.  You forge relationships like no one I’ve ever met.

I’ve also never met anyone with the capacity to love and care like you.  You don’t just care for your friends and your family, you care for everyone, and that’s what makes you so good at your job.  The love you’ve shown for me and my family is astounding.  Actually, you recently made a sacrifice for me (although I know you don’t see it that way), and it could be a real game-changer for my entire family.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully convey my gratitude to you, but I do need you to know that any success I find in my new venture will be because of your selflessness.  

Your constant support and friendship are two things I’ve come to rely on.  I’m not sure what I’m going to do when I don’t see you every day!  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your life with me.  You are truly one of the most beautiful people I know, and I hope 2013 is YOUR year!

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