Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekend Madness!

Hi everyone!  I just want to thank all of you for stopping by and checking out my blog.  The outpouring of support I’ve seen in the last couple of days has been amazing, and in all honesty, completely unexpected.  

It took me about a year to finally work up the guts to get this blog started.  The biggest hurdle that I kept stumbling over (again… and again… and again…) was the fear that my friends’ and loved ones’ perception of me might change based on what they read and discovered about me.  So, to all of my readers who know me in person (which, let’s face it, is probably all of you), I really hope that doesn’t happen.  The very last thing I want is for anyone to tip toe around me or think of me in a different light.  I’ve got pretty thick skin… don’t worry about me.

It’s been a busy week, but I’ve got some great holiday ideas brewing.  I’m hoping to put them into action this weekend so I can have a brand new post for you on Monday!  Until then, have a great weekend.  It’s going to be all about holiday shopping, Christmas decorating (would you believe it’s already the 8th and I still don’t have all of my holiday décor out?  I’m pretty sure at least one of my Christmas boxes went missing.  I blame “creepy Santa,” the sadistic figurine given to us as a wedding gift from a well-meaning but out-of-touch distant relative), and family photos.  Happy weekend!


  1. I'm afraid I can't support this blog as titled. Do you know what inspires fear into a Hurricane? What that brings more Thunder, Halts the Wind, and in an instant dries up the rain? The clouds, they are for hiding... From ... (Wait for it)...That's right.. The Slammer.

  2. Love it, Jessie! Keep 'em coming!!
